Hello there! I’m Sapna, a senior studying
Industrial Design and Human-Computer
Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University.

I work on human-factors and driver systems on our FSAE racing team, and research
fabrication technologies and shape-changing structures at CMU's HCI Institute. I strive
to craft empathetic solutions, joyful experiences and build objects designed to last. 

Driver Systems, Steering Wheel

Human factors & engineering design for a race-car


Open, modular headphones designed to last

Fabricating Deployable Objects with a CNC Sewing Machine

Human-Computer Interaction research paper


A device reframing memory capturing and reflection

Bloom, Indoor Composter & Garden

Turning waste into an opportunity

Machine Shop Fire Alarm

Design for context and interaction

Meal Blocs

Industrial design for product systems

︎  Sapna Tayal 2024  ︎